First, watch the following video:
As I watched this video, I could not help but cry. As silly as the idea of having a cardboard testimony is, watching all of the people share theirs was... touching. No, even more than that. As I watched them being vulnerable to the rest of the church congregation by sharing even the most personal secrets... the Lord asked me what my testimony was. And as I continued watching the people file by with their cardboard testimonies... I realized what mine was.
I grew up on the pews of a church. My family and I were always present at every service. Very rarely did any of my family miss a church service. I was taught all the stories of the Bible. How the universe was created through God's words, how Moses was saved from the bullrushes by Pharoah's daughter, how Jacob wrestled with an angel, how David faught Goliath, how a wimpy boy named Gideon led an army... how Jesus came and sacrificed His selfless, sinless, holy life so that you and I could have a chance to be changed by His blood and live eternally with our Father in heaven.
Yes, I grew up in church. Yes, I knew the stories. Yes, I knew about His sacrifice. Yes, I was saved and was a Christian. But I was like the one girl in the video. I was that passive, sideline Christian who was not making a difference. I had a relationship with God... but it was like a relationship with someone I grew up in school with. It was like, "Oh yeah, I know God. Yeah, he's that one boy that's in my 4th period class." Please, don't take that as me mocking God, but as I look back to that time in my life, I realize that that is how my relationship with God was. He was just another person I knew about... but I wasn't actively pursuing a LIVELY, GROWING relationship with Him.
Thank God that I am no longer like that! The Lord has taken that passive attitude, and has replaced it with a deep yearning, a deep desire to be something more than what I was. The Lord has taken the desire to be a bystander, watching from the sideline what He does in the lives of those around me. Now, I have a burning heart desire (if that makes sense) to give my whole being to Him for His use. He opened my eyes to what His desires are and how He wants to use me in ways that I would have never thought possible. He's shown me that He will use not only one talent, but all talents that He has given me. He has shown me that He did not give me a heart for ministry, a heart for the lost, for the needy, for those who need to know His Love, if He did not intend to use me. He has shown me that in these last days, His Spirit can and will move mightily. I may have not seen the Shekhinah Glory as people have in the past, I may have not witnessed the great revivals of the early 1900s, but I will see, will witness the outpouring of His Spirit in these last days! Not only that, but I will be a part of it.
I am so excited for how the Lord is moving. He is continually showing me ways I can improve, ways I can grow. He continually opens my eyes to His Word and will. He is an amazing, awesome, and magnificent God! I cannot even explain how truly wonderful He is. The English language is incapable of expressing the thoughts, the feelings, the hopes, and visions... everything that is aroused when His Name is mentioned. Hah, no language ever known is capable of doing so. He is just... so wonderful, and I am so grateful that He waited for me. That He worked in me, changing my heart, even when I did not know it. I am so thankful for such a wonderful, loving, amazing God and Saviour. It is an honor to give my life, my exsistence to Him for His use.
1 comment:
I just read your "cardboard testimony" - awesome! You are so young and so fired up for the Lord. I get chills when I read your blog. You're so right, we need to switch from passive to active mode to make a difference for His Kingdom. Saying we are Christians is not enough, we need to show it in our actions!
While driving, I saw a billboard that read "The best vitamin for Christians is B1" :-)
God Bless,
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